City of McEwen

About Us

Important Information

Mayor Brad Rachford and the City Alderman were able to purchase a new side arm garbage truck for the city. This investment was greatly needed to continue sanitation service to our citizens. This investment will provide a safer work environment for our workers and will be more reliable and ensure minimal interruptions of service to our citizens. This will also help keep our community cleaner and prevent trash from blowing through our neighborhoods. Currently there have been incidences of large items such as furniture, TVs, construction material placed out at the road for our workers to lift and place in our current truck. These items are not designed to be disposed of using a conventional household garbage truck and causes damage that is costly to the tax payer to repair.  
There will be some changes to the City of McEwen garbage service policy. Starting June 1st, 2021 the following changes will take affect:
* Garbage pickup will be 1 day a week for each residence.

Tuesday pickup will be for all homes on highway 70 and those homes south of highway 70. This will not include the windy hills subdivision.

Thursday pickup will be for all homes north of highway 70 and the windy hills subdivision. 

The City will provide 1 trash container per residence. We will begin to distribute these containers this next week. If you would like to purchase an additional container, please contact city hall at 931-582-6211. 

All containers remain the property of the City of McEwen and have an identification number stamped to identify it to your residence.

ONLY BAGGED HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE inside a city-issued container will be collected.

No boxes will be collected.

Containers issued to the property shall remain with the residence. 

Containers shall be brought to the roadside by 6:30 am on the designated day for garbage collection.

Containers shall be removed from the roadside within 24 hours of service to avoid damage to containers from wind or cars. 

Customer is responsible for cost of container if damage occurs after 24 hours. 

If a service day falls on a holiday, garbage will be collected on the next scheduled garbage day. 

The garbage truck MUST have access to your container. Place it three feet away from trees, mailboxes, parked cars, utility lines or anything else that could get in the way. Place the container within two feet of the curb with the handle facing away from the curb. This will be an adjustment both for you and our workers. Please be patient as we start this new process. There will be adjustments that we may have to ask in order have access to your trash can from the truck. We will contact you if there is a problem and work with you for a solution.  

For Emergencies Call: 911

News & Happenings

McEwen Municipal Court

Court is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
McEwen City Hall
9586 Hwy 70 E
McEwen, TN 37101

City Information

For Emergencies Call:  911

After Hours Non-Emergencies:  931-296-7792

Address 9586 Hwy 70 E

McEwen, TN 37101

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